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World Anti-Bullying Forum
November 1 - 3, 2021

Call for Papers
International Journal of Bullying Prevention
Special Issue: The Legacy of Dan Olweus
Guest Editors: Susan Limber, Clemson University & Kyrre Breivik, NORCE
Dan Olweus’ research, prevention efforts, and emphasis on bullying as a violation of human rights have inspired the work of countless researchers and professionals around the world. In commemoration of the one‐year anniversary of his death, and in a recognition of the indelible mark he has left on the field, the International Journal of Bullying Prevention (IJBP) invites the submission of abstracts for a special issue to be published in early 2022.
We invite theoretical, empirical, and review papers that have been inspired by the work of Dan Olweus. Such work includes, but is not limited to:
- Definitions and measurement of bullying
- Bullying as a violation of human rights and/or human dignity
- The causes, forms, and contexts of bullying
- Best practices in identification, prevention, and intervention
To be considered for the special issue, interested authors should send a 1000‐word abstract to Dr. Susan Limber (slimber@clemson.edu) by August 31, 2021. Submissions should contain a title, author(s) name(s), affiliation(s), and an abstract. Authors will be notified of accepted abstracts by September 15, 2021. Completed papers will be due by November 1, 2021.
Please direct any questions to Dr. Limber (slimber@clemson.edu) or Dr. Kyrre Breivik (kybr@norceresearch.no).

Virtual Youth Leadership Lab
August/ September 2021
Virtual Youth Leadership Lab
Winter 2022
Our mission is to engage the global community in bullying prevention and intervention.
The International Bullying Prevention Association (IBPA) was founded in 2003 when grassroots practitioners and researchers came together to convene the first conference in the US entirely focused on bullying prevention.

Our mission is to engage the global community in bullying prevention and intervention.
The International Bullying Prevention Association (IBPA) was founded in 2003 when grassroots practitioners and researchers came together to convene the first conference in the US entirely focused on bullying prevention.
Bullying Prevention Resources Including:
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16th Annual International Bullying Prevention Conference
Join us in Chicago for this year’s conference: Kindness & Compassion: Building Healthy Communities – November 7-9, 2019
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Maya Enista Smith Interview: IBPA 2019 Presenter Interview Series
Jasmine Babers Interview: IBPA 2019 Presenter Interview Series
Alan Conley Interview: IBPA 2019 Presenter Interview Series
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