The International Bullying Prevention Association (IBPA) was founded in 2003 when grassroots practitioners and researchers came together to convene the first conference in the US entirely focused on bullying prevention.
The organization is structured around four guiding principles which include:
- Ethical training practices
- Ethical conduct toward practices and performance
- Ethical conduct toward professional colleagues
- Ethical conduct toward community
The International Bullying Prevention Association is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
IBPA Principles
I. Ethical Conduct toward Community
The members/trainers of this association recognize that reducing bullying behaviors to the lowest possible levels is the common goal of the public, boards of education, and educators, and that a cooperative effort is essential among these groups to attain that goal. The member/trainer endeavors to understand and respect the values and traditions of the diverse cultures represented in the community. The member/trainer manifests a positive and active role in school/community relations.
II. Ethical Conduct toward Professional Colleagues
The members/trainers of this association exemplify ethical relations with colleagues, accords just and equitable treatment to all members of the profession. The member/trainer does not reveal confidential information concerning colleagues unless required by law nor does the member/trainer willfully make false statements about a colleague or members of the International Bullying Prevention Association. In addition, the member/trainer does not interfere with a colleague’s freedom of choice, and works to eliminate coercion that forces members/trainers to support actions and ideologies that violate individual professional integrity.
III. Ethical Conduct toward Practices and Performance
Each member/trainer of this association endeavors to maintain dignity by respecting and obeying the law, and by demonstrating personal integrity. In the discharge of his/her professional assignment, the member/trainer adheres to the terms of a contract or appointment and complies with local school policies and applicable laws. The member/trainer honestly accounts for all funds committed to his or her charge. The member/trainer does not intentionally misrepresent official policies of the International Bullying Prevention Association, and clearly distinguishes those views from his or her own personal opinions.
IV. Ethical Training Practices
Each member/trainer of this association accepts personal responsibility for educating themselves in the current research and prevention strategies of effective research based bullying prevention programs and curricula in order to continue their professional growth. We believe all members/trainers are obligated to help foster civic virtues such as integrity, diligence, responsibility, cooperation, loyalty, fidelity, and respect-for the law, for human life, for others, and for self. Members/Trainers of this association are expected to be respectful of all bullying prevention programs and remain an example to all exemplifying and modeling appropriate non-bullying behavior. The members/trainers present facts without prejudice or personal bias; assumes responsibility and accountability for his or her performance and continually strives to demonstrate competence.