Meet the IBPA Board
How long have you been involved with IBPA?
Since the first conference in Atlanta. Been to every conference. Started serving on the board six or seven years ago.
What drew you to the field of bullying prevention?
Our organizations commitment to best practices in violence prevention and the personal and professional commitment to find solutions to a problem that has such a significant impact on those involved.
What is your goal for IBPA in the future?
Hope to see IBPA find a solid foundation of partnerships with other like-minded organizations, to have the best annual conference in the world, to see the expansion of localized/regional events across the US and to see a stable revenue base to help accomplish these goals.
What are you most looking forward to at the national conference in Nashville?
Always look forward to seeing friends and colleagues from across the US. The opportunity to network some with peers, to be refreshed and renewed with other like-minded professionals and friends. I especially look forward to innovative workshops that share new ideas and strategies. Being a Nashvillian I am also excited that the conference is coming back to Tennessee this year! It’s a great city and a great conference destination.
Who is your role model and why?
I’ve got several … some that are still active in my life and others that have since passed away. My role models are mostly everyday folks; colleagues, friends and business leaders. A group of three men that I have been meeting with for the last 18 years is an extremely important part of my life and they are all models of what I desire to be each day. One of my role models, not a part of this group, is a man that meant a great deal to me and provided mentoring early in my career as the CEO of STARS. Ed Rodgers, was the President and CEO of American Constructors in Nashville. Tragically, Ed passed away way too early. He was only 61 and was a vibrant, energetic leader in our community. Ed shared several ideas he titled, “Things To Remember” early on in our relationship. These principles are about how to operate a business with integrity. They are on my desk and I look at them every day.
- Know what we do (what’s our model/business)!
- Go where we are wanted!
- Do a great job!!!
- Let people know what we’re doing without compromising numbers 1, 2 and 3!
I’ve tried to emulate these principles for the last 31 years in my job at STARS and other groups I’m involved with!
If you were stranded on an island, what 3 things would you want with you?
Only one thing… My wife!!! Because if I’m going to an island, and she’s not invited to join me, I’ve got big problems! I don’t need to come home anyway if I’m off to an island without her! And, I can’t imagine being there without her! A close second (or distant, if my wife is reading this) would be my extensive jazz playlists!!