Meet the IBPA Board
How long have you been involved with IBPA?
I have served on the IPBA Board for 2 years.
What drew you to the field of bullying prevention?
My long-term public health interest in bridging the gap between prevention research and practice.
What is your goal for IBPA in the future?
I would like to see IBPA become a National Clearinghouse for Bullying Prevention with strategic international linkages.
What are you most looking forward to at the national conference in Nashville?
I want it to be an inclusive conference of practitioners, philanthropists, academics, and public policy makers.
Who is your role model and why?
My later Mother, Madam Ateriomatse Oyowe, who taught me how to live a purposeful life. My other role models are two renowned American scholars: Dr. W.E.B. DuBois and Dr. Allan Nevins. Their works have helped to shape my academic career.
If you were stranded on an island, what 3 things would you want with you?
Three things: water, food, and a communication device.