Meet the IBPA Board
How long have you been involved with IBPA?
I attended my first conference in either 2005 or 2006 in Atlanta. I’ve been somehow connected ever since.
What drew you to the field of bullying prevention?
At the time, I was working for Seattle Public Schools. My colleague, Celia Arriaga, and I were working on a grant implementing a Communities That Care initiative through schools. We did a CTC survey across all of our middle schools, and found that “bullying” was a primary concern. We brought Marlene Snyder to Seattle to do some Olweus training for us and our schools. The rest, as they say, is history!
What is your goal for IBPA in the future?
This is a more complex question than it first appears to be! Over the last decade or more, my understanding of “bullying” and its place in the world has grown and expanded. It is not a “simple” concept nor a stand-alone behavior. It is part and parcel of a variety of behaviors, motivated by an array of issues, and a component of an array of threats, hazards, actions, and behaviors which impact safety, climate, security, self-esteem – and academic achievement. We can no longer talk about bullying “prevention-intervention” alone. We need to expand that conversation to include prevention, mitigation, protection, response and recovery from that array of negatives. My goal for IBPA would be that it become and be seen as The Place to Go, the resource for ensuring that we are all safe, secure and supportive of one another.
What are you most looking forward to at the national conference in Nashville?
Ah, an easy one! Seeing colleagues from around the country and the world – and learning, learning, learning! (Oh, and music.)
Who is your role model and why?
My dad. He did what he had to do to get the job done, and he never gave up!
If you were stranded on an island, what 3 things would you want with you?
HAH! 1) Sunscreen, 2) A dog, and 3) A bottomless keg of cold beer!