Tuesday, July 24, 2018 – 11:00 am-12:00 pm EST (10 am CT/9 am MT/ 8 am PT) This is a live webinar with time for questions and answers at the end of the presentation.
Social media creates virtual spaces in which new forms of bullying arise (like cyber-bullying), and in which technology-mediated communication and expression affords new ways to harm others. Therefore, research on how speech can injure provides a fruitful lens for understanding, preventing, and healing from bullying by addressing not only the level of the individual bully but also the level of systems, discourses, and power relations. This webinar examines legal and rhetorical analyses of hate speech in the United States, particularly how it injures, and then extends that analysis to complicate our understanding of the nature of bullying.
Dr. Kevin Kumashiro is an internationally recognized expert on educational policy, school reform, teacher preparation, and educational equity and social justice, with a wide-ranging list of accomplishments and awards as a scholar, educator, leader, and advocate. Dr. Kumashiro is the former Dean of the School of Education at the University of San Francisco (2013-2017). He previously served as Chair of Educational Policy Studies, interim Co-Director of the Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy, and Director of the AANAPISI (Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution) Initiative at the University of Illinois at Chicago.